Like finding a gem for life.
"It Is Written" by Courtney Hope Wilson is a gem. An owners manual for all the human conditions we face every day, she covers it all from Identity, Belonging, and Purpose, to Unforgiveness, Rejection, and Loneliness, Fear and Doubt to Depression, Anxiety, Insecurity, and Disappointment to Peace and Waiting to name just a few. I could not put this book down. A reference book for life, it is one of the most poignant, clear deliveries of God's word that I have had the pleasure of reading. Her simple format of prayerfully selected scriptures followed by her gifted, insightful devotional messages and prayers leaves you with indelible reminders that you can overcome anything and are loved. It spoke to me on many levels. Her overall message of God's Love brings hope and inspiration throughout this concise manual. I will re-read it many times and keep close as a reference. She is one of God's chosen interpreters.
-Wendy J.